How Trustworthy Are You?
To build the trust in your relationship, start with you. Are you doing your share to build the trust and increase your partner’s confidence in you?
1. When I say I am going to do something, I do it.
Always Sometimes Never
2. If I will be late making a commitment or coming home, I call.
Always Sometimes Never
3. I keep my spouse’s confidences and do not share them with other people.
Always Sometimes Never
4. I am careful not to discuss information about my spouse with other people.
Always Sometimes Never
5. My spouse can count on me to listen to concerns without judgment or ridicule.
Always Sometimes Never
6. When we socialize with other people, my spouse is clearly the most important
person in the room.
Always Sometimes Never
7. When I am angry with my spouse, I am careful not to use information that he or she has confided in me win the argument.
Always Sometimes Never
8. I refrain from name-calling or sarcasm when I am upset with my spouse.
Always Sometimes Never
Scoring: How many “always” did you have?
7-8, excellent. You are a trustworthy person, focused on building trust in your marriage.
5-7, good. Keep working. You will reap results by changing your behavior.
Less than 5. Get busy.
For more tools to build your relationship, buy Why Did I Marry You Anyway? 12.5 Strategies for a Happy Marriage, at
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