Sunday, August 07, 2005

How Committed Are You to Your Relationship?

Commitment provides the base, the foundation, for marriage to build. If this building block is shaky, the rest is at risk to tumble down. How would your commitment rate on a scale of one to ten? How much effort do you put into your own commitment?

  1. When I argue with my spouse, I threaten divorce or separation.
    Always Sometimes Never
  2. I have stormed out of the house when arguing, not letting my spouse know when I will return.
    Always Sometimes Never
  3. I make it clear to my spouse that I have doubts about the future of the marriage and am not sure it “will work.”
    Always Sometimes Never
  4. I refrain from telling my spouse that I love him/her, feeling I shouldn’t have to say it.
    Always Sometimes Never
  5. I am reluctant to plan for the future because I’m not sure what will happen between the two of us.
    Always Sometimes Never
  6. I don’t want to fully commit my money because I don’t know the future of
    the marriage.
    Always Sometimes Never
  7. I question whether I married the “right” person.
    Always Sometimes Never

Scoring: How many “nevers” did you have?

6-7, excellent. You are clear about your commitment and are communicating this to your spouse.

4-5, good. Keep working. You will reap results by changing your behavior.

Less than 4. Actively work on increasing your commitment.

For More Tips to Improve Your Relationship, Buy Your Copy of Why Did I Marry You Anyway? 12.5 Strategies for a Happy Marriage at

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Location: Small town, Northern Wisconsin

Barbara is an author, speaker and psychotherapist in private practice. She provides keynote presentations and is a Certified Professional Speaker, a designation held by fewer than 8% of the speakers in the world. She has appeared on FOX, CNN, and CBS and is considered an expert in relationships.

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