Monday, November 26, 2007

FREE Couples Workbook

The new edition of Why Did I Marry You Anyway? is now available. Order yours on Amazon and receive a FREE Couples Workbook and Special Reports. Simply forward the e-mail receipt to and I will send your your FREE gifts.

Order the revised and expanded edition of Why Did I Marry You Anyway? Overcoming the Myths That Hinder a Happy Marriage and I will send you absolutely FREE:
  • A comprehensive Couples Workbook that includes quizzes and exercises you can do together.
  • Special Report--25 Tips to Get Home From The Office Sooner
  • Special Report--Blasting the Flues.
  • This offer is worth over $40.00. Why are we doing this? Because this raises our numbers on Amazon and helps to promote the book.

If you write a review on Amazon (assuming you like the book) I will also send you Joan Stewarts E-Book on the Publicity Tips for 2006. This Free e-book includes 24 of Joan's very best publicity tips from her free ezine. Simply let me know that you wrote a review and I will send it immediately for download.

Order your copy now at Why Did I Marry You Anyway?

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Location: Small town, Northern Wisconsin

Barbara is an author, speaker and psychotherapist in private practice. She provides keynote presentations and is a Certified Professional Speaker, a designation held by fewer than 8% of the speakers in the world. She has appeared on FOX, CNN, and CBS and is considered an expert in relationships.